Cook County Traumatic Brain Injury Lawyer

Attorneys for Head Injuries and TBI in Chicago, Pullman, and Gresham
Head injuries can occur in any number of ways, and they can cause severe and sometimes permanent damage to the brain. These traumatic brain injuries, or TBIs, can affect a person for months, years, or even the rest of their life, greatly diminishing their ability to perform normal functions and return to the activities they were able to enjoy before being injured. When brain injuries occur because someone else acted negligently or intentionally, victims can be left wondering whether there is anything they can do. Fortunately, a skilled personal injury attorney can offer legal help and representation, ensuring that victims can receive compensation that will allow them to meet their needs while recovering.
The team of lawyers at Karchmar & Lambert, P.C. are highly skilled in multiple different types of injury cases, including severe and catastrophic injuries that can cause permanent disabilities and affect a person's well-being and quality of life. We share a combined total of over 50 years in the legal field, and we have successfully represented clients in cases ranging from relatively minor injuries to multi-million dollar verdicts and settlements against large insurers and other companies. We know the effects that serious injuries can have on a person's life, and we believe in helping our clients achieve justice.
Causes and Symptoms of Traumatic Brain Injuries
The brain is a highly sensitive organ, and even what may seem like a minor blow to the head can have long-lasting negative effects. In many cases, those who are involved in car crashes will suffer TBIs, especially in more serious collisions such as rollover crashes or collisions caused by drunk drivers. Pedestrian accidents, bicycle accidents, and slip and fall accidents can also cause brain injuries if a person strikes their head on the ground or other objects. In some cases, traumatic brain injuries may even be inflicted intentionally, such as when a person commits an assault against someone else.
While traumatic brain injuries can be incredibly damaging, they can sometimes be hard to diagnose, since a person may not immediately feel the effects of brain trauma. In some cases, symptoms may not make themselves known for days or even weeks after the original incident when the injury occurred. These symptoms may include:
- Headaches, which may develop into chronic pain that makes it difficult for a person to function
- Dizziness, which can lead to additional problems with balance and coordination
- Nausea
- Seizures
- Confusion and difficulty concentrating
- Memory loss
- Difficulty speaking and understanding or processing language
- Sleep disorders, which may include extreme fatigue or difficulty falling asleep
- Sensory problems, such as sensitivity to bright lights or loud sounds
- Mood disorders, including depression, anxiety, mood swings, agitation, and irritability
- Paralysis in different parts of the body
- Falling into a coma
These symptoms can affect a person's ability to participate in daily activities, their relationships with their family and friends, and their overall quality of life. If a brain injury causes a person to be unable to perform work-related tasks, they may suffer a significant loss of income and struggle to pay their ongoing expenses. In the most serious cases, a TBI can result in wrongful death.
Contact an Austin Brain Injury Attorney
If you or a loved one have suffered a head injury or TBI that was caused by someone else, Karchmar & Lambert, P.C. can provide the legal help you need. We will gather evidence to show that a person or company was responsible for the injury, and we will use medical records and consult with experts to demonstrate the negative effects the injury has had on your life. We are prepared to fight to ensure that you receive the financial compensation you deserve. Contact our office today at 312-977-1300 and schedule a free consultation with our lawyers. We assist with serious injury cases in Chicago and Cook County, including the surrounding suburbs and neighborhoods like Ashburn, Pullman, Bronzeville, South Shore, Garfield Park, Austin, Englewood, Chatham, Gresham, and Kenwood.