Chicago Police Brutality Lawyer

Civil Rights Attorneys for Police Misconduct and Abuse in Cook County, Chatham, and Englewood
In recent years, a great deal of attention has been paid to the civil rights violations that people regularly suffer at the hands of police officers. The city of Chicago is no stranger to this issue, and for decades, many residents have been subject to abuse, unnecessary use of force, and unlawful tactics that result in wrongful convictions. Minorities are especially susceptible to being harmed by this type of behavior, and in many cases, they may believe that they do not have the resources to fight against injustice. However, victims of police brutality and misconduct do have legal options, and by working with an experienced civil rights lawyer, they can take action to right these wrongs.
At Karchmar & Lambert, P.C., we believe in fighting to protect the rights of those who have suffered harm due to police misconduct. Our attorneys have more than 50 years of combined legal experience, and we have represented clients in the Chicago area and throughout the United States who have had their civil rights violated by police officers. We have the resources to fully investigate the circumstances of a case, identify the officers and other personnel who acted improperly, and take action to hold police departments responsible for the ways they have violated people's Constitutional rights.
Fighting Against Police Brutality and Misconduct
Police misconduct can take many forms, ranging from harassment of a person due to their race to the use of unnecessary violence that may result in a person's injury or wrongful death. Some of the ways that police officers most commonly violate people's civil rights include:
- Excessive force - Officers may physically strike or injure people when detaining them or performing an arrest. They may violently wrestle a person to the ground or place them in a chokehold while claiming that these actions are necessary because the person was resisting arrest. In many cases, officers will continue to strike a suspect or handle them roughly or violently, even after they have been restrained or subdued and present no threats.
- Improper use of weapons and restraints - While there are a number of tools that officers use to protect themselves and perform arrests, these may be used improperly. Unarmed suspects are often killed in police shootings, and officers can also seriously injure people through the use of tasers, batons, or pepper spray. During and after arrests, suspects may also suffer harm due to unreasonable restraints, such as excessively tight handcuffs or zip ties.
- Wrongful arrest and conviction - Suspects may be arrested for illegal reasons, such as racial profiling, or they may be subject to illegal searches of their body, their vehicles, or their homes. Wrongful convictions can also occur due to police misconduct, such as falsified evidence or coerced confessions resulting from lies, torture, or other improper tactics used during interrogations.
- Abuse - Officers may use their position of authority to threaten or intimidate people, coerce them into paying bribes, or commit sexual assault or abuse. They may also verbally abuse suspects or others, including through the use of racial slurs.
Victims of police brutality or other civil rights violations need to understand that they can take action to protect their rights, regardless of their guilt or innocence. Whether a person is cleared of all charges or convicted of a crime, they can pursue compensation for injuries or other forms of harm they have suffered due to police misconduct.
Contact Our Gresham Police Misconduct Lawyers
If you and your family have been subject to police brutality or other forms of misconduct, you deserve to be compensated for the ways your lives have been negatively affected. The attorneys of Karchmar & Lambert, P.C. can help you determine your best options for holding a police department responsible for civil rights violations, and we will work to make sure justice is served against officers who have failed to uphold their responsibilities to their community. Contact our office today at 312-977-1300 to arrange a free consultation and learn how we can help with your case. We represent victims of police brutality and other types of injuries in Chicago and Cook County, including but not limited to neighborhoods like Englewood, Garfield Park, South Shore, Chatham, Kenwood, Bronzeville, Ashburn, Gresham, Austin, and Pullman, as well as elsewhere in Illinois and across the United States.